Thursday 26 January 2012

Battle Report

A friend of mine wrote up a battle report for a game between me and him last saturday. He did a really good job.
Here's the link:

My first painted brood!! - Devilgaunts

So here is my first fully painted brood of devilgaunts (termagants with devourers- the guns)
They will be named Notomys after the australian hopping mouse, because honestly, that's what they look like compared to the rest of the army :D
The Brood picture

 A close up of one of them

A few more medium sized bugs

Here are a few more medium sized bugs

Unfortunately the Venomthrope I converted (I have decided to rename him Chironex Fleckeri - the box jellyfish) has sprung back into his original shape (damn finecast) and so the conversion would not hold. The metal one I will convert  eventually (hence he has no arms) but I have given up trying to convert finecast :(

 Virroconus - Hive Guard, named after Cone Shellfish, an australian shell fish that fires poisoned, bone spurs at it's prey, oddly appropriate given their appearance and gun :D (I know picture's not great, it'll look better when fully painted (I forgot to take a picture before I undercoated them)

Broodlord (and genestealers)

Not entirely sure what to name these guys after, I think maybe dingoes... oh well here they are, The broodlord started life as a warrior, but with a cut off tail, a more upright body and a greenstuffed head (i'm not really happy with the head yet, but am unsure what to do about it as yet) I htink he looks pretty good.

I modeled the finders to look as if he was pointing at something and when I'm finished his other hand will be holding a space maring body. I also have a few more genestealers I will be converting coming up. (In fact I will be entering one of them in a painting comp in about a week's time, I'll put him up after that)

Lactrodectus Finished (well not painted yet but still)

So the bug which spawned the idea of this list, Lactrodectus Hasselti - the red back spider

Here are my conversions for Tervigons, there are no models for these yet (for those who don't know) so here are my conversions for them, One of my past posts has all the artwork for them. There are two models shown here. I used perspex for the bases cut into circles the size of a cd (it has the same diameter as the long edge of a trygon base) this has it's advantages sometimes, but mostly I find it can get in the way for movement, it's just a huge base on most maps! But I feel it fits the feel of how big it's supposed to be, so I'm happy

I used the Carnifex kit and lots of green stuff/milliput (an epoxy putty). If anyone is interested in the nuts and bolts of how I did it, I'd be happy to write it up

Lactrodectus Hasselti 1

 I'm particularly proud of the little guy who is in the middle of being birthed :D
 And a side on piccy
 this is the second one, a bit longer but pretty similar
 And another side on

The Rainbow snake appears

Named after the Rainbow snake form aboriginal myth, Woonambi comes forth (it's a Trygon, just in case that wasn't obvious :P)

So one of them was fully magnetised, one done in the standard pose and one was converted to be leaping forward

Magnetised with nothing

Magnetised kitted out as a Trygon

 Standard Pose

Leaping forward, front on

Leaping forward side on 

Wow, long time off......

So I've been away for a while helping my parents out (they had a house fire) but I managed to get some hobby time in there while I was away, just haven't been able to put anything up, so here comes a barage of posts with the stuff I've been working on... enjoy!