Friday 18 November 2011

Sneak Peak at Lactrodectus Hasselti - Tervigon conversion

Hello. So one of the next beasties I'm making is a Tervigon, sort of like a giant walking incubator. the difficulty is that, although there are rules for using said beasty, there are no models relased by Games Workshop as of yet. So I thought I'd make one :D. As to what it's supposed to look like we have one picture and a bit of a description officially, however there are a heap of ideas on the net. Here is my guy so far, still a work in progress but coming along quite nicely I think

Oh by the way Lactrodectus Hasselti is the red back spider. I figured a giant spider like creature walking across the battle and giving birth to hundreds of little gribblies fit the red back quite nicely :D

This is the official artwork I'm going from

Here is my effort so far. The little man next to him is a Space marine (for those who don't know) and is supposed to be a genetically enhanced human and over 8 foot tall :D

Gangurru unleashed - Tyranid (Warrior) Prime Conversion

Here is Gangurru (sound it out or google it to find out which animal he is :P). For those of you who don't know the Warrior Prime is the leader of the army and is supposed to be heavily armed and armoured. So I took the normal box set warrior and added some more armour over the chest plate and used some green stuff (moddeling clay that sets hard) to make some weapons. I also magnetised the arms so that he can have different sets of weapons. Enjoy

The Box artwork

The Lash Whips - quite complex to make as the party was soft, I held it in place while it dried with bent paper clips :D

And here is the finished Prime with Lash whips, Bone sword and Deathspitter (gun) 

And again with scything talons and deathspitter(gun). Notice the chest plate is different from the artwork. I added this because he is supposed to be more armoured then your average warrior. This is actually a Trygon groin plate that I cut up a bit, fit well actually

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Malo Kingi is born - Venomthrope Conversion

Malo Kingi, the scientific name for one of the most poisonous jellyfish in Australia and the world. I thought this was perfect for the Venomthrope who floats around the battlefield on gas bladders and excretes clouds of the most potent poison known in the 40k universe. In addition it has lash whips (tentacles!!)

official GW artwork

The Sprue

Unpainted finish

All comments welcome

Nullius Emerges

Exams are finally over and so now we get down to the assempbly of Hive Fleet Nullius

I will be posting up pictures soon (hopefully tomorrow) But here it is:

Hive Fleet Nullius

Hive Fleet Nullius was names after Terra Nullius (Australia) after some imperial scouts noted the similariteis in appearance to some of the flora and fauna :P

I am pretty keen when it comes to conversions and I've got some high hopes/ideas so far, let's see how far they go....
Things to look forward to/the army so far:

Warrior prime - complete with magnetised arms
16 Genestealers + Broodlord
2 Tervigons - conversions from carnifex's
3 Trygons - one with the box pose and the other two with a more dynamic one - wait with anticipation!
1 Doom of Malan'tai - Warrior conversion with a whole heap of green stuff
3 Spore mines - complete green stuff creations - will be fun to do
3 Venomthropes - some fun ideas for postures
3 Hive Guard - don't think i'll do much conversion with these guys, there's nothing much to do
and a whole heap of termagants- again probably won't bother with conversions to much

As to the colour scheme I am planning black hide with red carapase - think the Red-back spider :D, silver eyes, purple tinge to hide, blue/purple weapons. You'll see more when I get to painting

that's all for now, let the saga begin.....