Friday 18 November 2011

Sneak Peak at Lactrodectus Hasselti - Tervigon conversion

Hello. So one of the next beasties I'm making is a Tervigon, sort of like a giant walking incubator. the difficulty is that, although there are rules for using said beasty, there are no models relased by Games Workshop as of yet. So I thought I'd make one :D. As to what it's supposed to look like we have one picture and a bit of a description officially, however there are a heap of ideas on the net. Here is my guy so far, still a work in progress but coming along quite nicely I think

Oh by the way Lactrodectus Hasselti is the red back spider. I figured a giant spider like creature walking across the battle and giving birth to hundreds of little gribblies fit the red back quite nicely :D

This is the official artwork I'm going from

Here is my effort so far. The little man next to him is a Space marine (for those who don't know) and is supposed to be a genetically enhanced human and over 8 foot tall :D

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