Friday 18 November 2011

Gangurru unleashed - Tyranid (Warrior) Prime Conversion

Here is Gangurru (sound it out or google it to find out which animal he is :P). For those of you who don't know the Warrior Prime is the leader of the army and is supposed to be heavily armed and armoured. So I took the normal box set warrior and added some more armour over the chest plate and used some green stuff (moddeling clay that sets hard) to make some weapons. I also magnetised the arms so that he can have different sets of weapons. Enjoy

The Box artwork

The Lash Whips - quite complex to make as the party was soft, I held it in place while it dried with bent paper clips :D

And here is the finished Prime with Lash whips, Bone sword and Deathspitter (gun) 

And again with scything talons and deathspitter(gun). Notice the chest plate is different from the artwork. I added this because he is supposed to be more armoured then your average warrior. This is actually a Trygon groin plate that I cut up a bit, fit well actually

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