Wednesday 16 November 2011

Nullius Emerges

Exams are finally over and so now we get down to the assempbly of Hive Fleet Nullius

I will be posting up pictures soon (hopefully tomorrow) But here it is:

Hive Fleet Nullius

Hive Fleet Nullius was names after Terra Nullius (Australia) after some imperial scouts noted the similariteis in appearance to some of the flora and fauna :P

I am pretty keen when it comes to conversions and I've got some high hopes/ideas so far, let's see how far they go....
Things to look forward to/the army so far:

Warrior prime - complete with magnetised arms
16 Genestealers + Broodlord
2 Tervigons - conversions from carnifex's
3 Trygons - one with the box pose and the other two with a more dynamic one - wait with anticipation!
1 Doom of Malan'tai - Warrior conversion with a whole heap of green stuff
3 Spore mines - complete green stuff creations - will be fun to do
3 Venomthropes - some fun ideas for postures
3 Hive Guard - don't think i'll do much conversion with these guys, there's nothing much to do
and a whole heap of termagants- again probably won't bother with conversions to much

As to the colour scheme I am planning black hide with red carapase - think the Red-back spider :D, silver eyes, purple tinge to hide, blue/purple weapons. You'll see more when I get to painting

that's all for now, let the saga begin.....

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